What shall we do with Pagan.com?

At the moment "www.pagan.com" is pointing to our little homegrown site "www.outofthedark.com"  That is soon to change.  While I enjoy learning how to create webpages at our home site, "Pagan.com" deserves something a bit more professional then a site put together by an old lady who has little to no idea about what she is doing.

Before we trot off and create a new Community website, it occurred to us that it might be a good idea to see what the Pagan Community thinks www.Pagan.com should become.  So here is your opportunity to contribute to what will one day be one of the highest traffic Pagan websites on the net. 

What does the Pagan Community need from a website?

There are a ton of great Pagan Websites out there.  We don't want to duplicate everyone else's efforts.  How would  "Pagan.com" best serve the Pagan Community?  What do we need?  What do we want? A links site? A list server?  A Community Bulletin Board?  

How should it be funded?  Donations or Banner Ads?

 "Pagan.com" will consume a great deal of bandwidth.  How should we pay for it?  "Pagan.com" does not need to be a money maker, but it does need to pay for itself.

These are just a few of the many questions we face when decided what course www.Pagan.com will take. We know that Pagan.com can not be all things to all people, but we would like to serve as large a segment of the pagan Community as possible.

If you would like to participate in the creation of  www.pagan.com join our chat list by sending a blank email message to:

As you can see, the new Pagan.com is under development. If you arrived here looking for information about Paganism here are a couple of good links to get you started.  Check back with us often as something kewl should happen here any minute now.