From: "James Barron" <>
To: <>
Subject: CompUSA a.k.a. "FALSE ADVERTISERS"
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 19:29:02 -0700

Can I begin to tell you how many times CompUSA has advertised a product they don't even have in stock. I prepaid for a 19" flat screen monitor because they didn't have it in stock and I was told it would arrive in a few days. Two weeks later it's still not in...and it's damn near impossible to get someone on the phone to even check if it's in stock yet. I also sent 2 email responses to their so-called customer service and haven't received an apology or any type of awknowledgement. All I have to say is "FUCK THOSE DUMB-ASS STUPID MOTHER FUCKERS, I HOPE THEY GO OUT OF BUSINESS!!!!!!

James Barron a.k.a "CompUSA hater"