Look In The Box Before You Buy

From: Anj6388@aol.com
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 11:35:32 EDT
Subject: CompUSA Horror Story that beats ANYTHING you got
To: CyberPagan@outofthedark.com

CompUSA in Freehold, NJ ripped me off for a $2000 IBM computer.  Here is what happened.  On June 6, I bough an IBM S631 pentium III Aptiva and used it for a week.  The DMD drive didn't work right and when I got back home with a new sealed box given to me as a straight exchange, I found a discontinued 2 year old IBM computer!

Dennis Mackey, General Manager CompUSA, initially told me he thought IBM would make good on it after they did database serial number repair record/purchase record searches.  Then he told me CompUSA would not refund my money becuase it "could not have happened at their store" (because of sealed IBM security tape on box) and that IBM claimed it was "impossible" for the "old" computer to wind up in a sealed "assembly line box."

Then Dennis Mackey told me he did not even know who I should speak with at IBM!!  Meanwhile, I have purchased a Dell computer and am pursuing legal action.

Dennis Mackey says his store is not responsible for products it sells and that it is IBM's problem.  Think carefully before purchasing anything from CompUSA.