Plz do take action.

From: "Dharmendra" <>
To: <>
Subject: Plz do take action.
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 16:45:04 +0530

I hope this site solves my problem.
I had a account with paypal in the name of When I logged in to that account I found that some one has taken away all my money from my account. I contacted the paypal members they ensured me that they will look into this matter. I also contacted the site where this guy used my account money to buy some software. They refunded my $300. I withdrew my $300 from the site. Then paypal says you have -ve balance of -$260.

I tried to contact them many times I have all the emails I had send to them with no response. so I just ignored them. Now I created a new paypal account with username as and asked my clients to deposit all my funds in that account now I have nearly $453 in this account. Now paypal says your this account is related to that account so you will need to first clear that account then only they will allow me to withdraw my rest of money from my new account.

Since their is no other way I asked them to deposit $260 from my this new account that has balance of $453 to that old account and close that account. so they get their money and I can withdraw my money from my new account. they asked me to FAX all the documents I did as they said. I have Faxed them all my documents. Now they say that they cant transfer from one +ve account to other -ve account. I even agreed to that. They said send us the check or DD. I am even ready to do that but they are not at all taking any +ve action on this case. I have friends in USA Singapore UK I can ask anyone to send them a check of $260.

I cant send them check from INDIA as that will be against Indian govt rules.

They need check I am sending them check via my friends, I don't understand as where is the problem.

Now after 30 days they say that their will not unfreeze the account as its VERY RISKY(I don t know why risky when I want to close my account). Now they say that they will bann my account with all the money for indefinite time.

Plz do take some action as their is no other option for me. This money is all my hard work for last 3months.

Plz do take action.
Dharmendra Ajwani

